Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design

Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design

One of the best ways to help your bathroom embrace nature is through the inclusion of plants. When it comes to the types of plants that thrive in bathrooms, there are several for you to choose from. All of the plants on this list provide the bathroom space with both style and personality. Some of these plants will also serve functional and health purposes in your bathroom. This guide will highlight some of the best plants in bathroom ideas for your bathroom design.

Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design

Aloe Vera Works Everywhere

One of the most common bathroom plants is aloe vera. Because aloe vera thrives in moist or wet environments, it will fit perfectly in essentially any bathroom ideas with plants. Aloe vera will feed off of the moisture in the air that is produced from things such as your shower or bathroom faucet. Because it is so easy to take care of, you can implement it wherever you see fit. One of the most common places for aloe vera is on a bathroom vanity countertop. Another common place for aloe vera will be on a window sill. Keep it in view while also keeping it out of the way of your accessible space.

Aloe vera is not only great for the look of your bathroom, but it also comes with health benefits. It is commonly known for being a great solution for soothing sunburn. However, it also comes with several other perks. It is great for moisturizing skin, fighting acne, and helps with healing any small wounds. Due to all of these reasons, aloe vera should be a plant that you should definitely consider when it comes to adding some plants for bathroom counter tops. You can also have them around your shower, as shower plant benefits can be fairly attractive as well.

Hang Some Plants from the Ceiling

One of the most unique ways to include bathroom designs with plants is by hanging them from the ceiling. This is great for a number of reasons. First of all, it keeps your countertops, surfaces and windowsills clear of any objects, if you want to keep them open. In addition, because bathroom decorating ideas with plants are relatively light, depending on how they need to be planted, they will be easy to hang from the ceiling without any issues or damages. Small and large plants can both be hung effectively, and many different plants for bathroom counter tops work well too.

When it comes to the types of plants that work best, there are a few things you will want to consider. First of all, you will want to see your plant and make it visible. Consider plants that hang down with long leaves or vines. This will add personality and natural comfort to the design. Plants shouldn’t be hung too low, however. This will cause them to get in the way and cause them to be a bit more obstacle than a great design element. Choose some plants that you love that can also be displayed in a magnificent fashion for a great element of natural design.

Add a Unique Bathroom Plant in Bamboo

Bamboo is a great plant for a bathroom for the same reasons as the other plants on this list. First of all, it is incredibly easy to maintain. This is due to how easy it is for bamboo to thrive in the wet environment. In addition, bamboo is one of the most durable and strong plants to include not only in a bathroom, but also in various climates. One of the best ways to utilize bamboo in a bathroom is in a small pot or planter. Bamboo is beautiful when it is planted with other bamboo plants, making for a small forest-like presentation, with some small shower plant benefits.

To get more creative with the implementation of bamboo, consider thinking a bit bigger. Because bamboo grows a bit quicker than most plant life, it can grow to be fairly tall in a short amount of time. If you do not want to perform regular upkeep on it, consider letting it grow a bit. You will still have to maintain it, but it will come with a great focal point for your bathroom ideas with plants. This is also better for establishing the connection to nature that your bathroom may need.

Bring Your Outdoor Plants Inside

If you are struggling to find the perfect bathroom designs with plants, Consider thinking a bit outside the box. You can get plant life in your bathroom without really even having it physically in your bathroom. If your bathroom has a big enough window, plant some beautiful flowers or plant in a garden outside so you can directly see it from your bathroom. This is an incredibly easy and convenient way to bring some life into your bathroom without physically having the plants in your bathroom. In addition, this is a great idea for people with certain allergies to some types of plants.

If you really want to create an immersive environment, you can take some bathroom decorating ideas with plants from a garden outside and bring them into your current design. Of course you will need to make sure that these plants will be able to thrive in your bathroom. Do not incorporate plants in small bathrooms that need great amounts of sunlight or maintenance. It is best to include plants that were previously mentioned in this guide. Aloe vera, bamboo, spider plants, orchids and various other common bathroom plants will all be great options to consider.

Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design Best Ways to Include Plants in a Bathroom Design

Make a Dedicated Space for Your Plants

Plants will always serve to improve the quality of your bathroom design if they are used in the proper ways. However, sometimes it will be in your best interest to make a dedicated spot for your plants as a group. Plants for bathroom counter tops are common, but there are many other options. Having all of your plants in small bathrooms organized in one area of your bathroom will create an incredibly beautiful space. It will promote both comfort and health, two of the most important elements of a bathroom design. This can be done in a number of ways, mainly depending on the overall size of your bathroom.

In a smaller bathroom, choose a corner of the room to put your plants. They can be hung from the ceiling set on the floor or even organized on a shelving unit. In a larger bathroom, you will have a bit more freedom in terms of where you can put the plants and how they can be spaced out. One thing to consider is that you do not want to include too many plants in the area. This could create an overwhelming amount of color or vibrancy into the space. Consider adding no more than 4-7 medium sized plants in your design for a safe but beautiful design layout.

Make a Dedicated Space for Your Plants

Plants in small bathrooms will always serve to improve the quality of your bathroom design if they are used in the proper ways. However, sometimes it will be in your best interest to make a dedicated spot for your plants as a group. Having all of your plants organized in one area of your bathroom will create an incredibly beautiful space. It will promote both comfort and health, two of the most important elements of a bathroom design. This can be done in a number of ways, mainly depending on the overall size of your bathroom combined with some bathroom decorating ideas with plants.

In a smaller bathroom designs with plants, choose a corner of the room to put your plants. They can be hung from the ceiling set on the floor or even organized on a shelving unit. In a larger bathroom, you will have a bit more freedom in terms of where you can put the plants and how they can be spaced out. One thing to consider is that you do not want to include too many plants in the area. This could create an overwhelming amount of color into the space. Consider adding no more than 4-7 medium sized plants in your design for a safe but beautiful design layout.

How Plants Improve the Quality of a Bathroom Design

There are so many ways that plants in bathroom ideas can benefit a bathroom design. Because there are so many different types of plants, there are several ways to implement them effectively. No matter what types of bathroom friendly plants you have, they will serve to benefit your design. First of all, plants will make your bathroom healthier. They are great for boosting your mood and making the bathroom a more comfortable place to be. Because health is such an important element of a bathroom, plants are almost necessary for a complete bathroom design. In addition, they are great for the overall design of your bathroom in terms of looks. Some beautifully colored plants will make your bathroom a more welcoming place to be, especially in neutrally colored rooms. If you spread your plants out, it can create an immersive natural bathroom design. If you decide to organize your plants in one space, it will create a great focal point to your design. Overall, plants are amazing inclusions to make a bathroom look beautiful and classy.

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