Best Ways to Make a Big Impact on Your Bathroom Remodel

Best Ways to Make a Big Impact on Your Bathroom Remodel
Best Ways to Make a Big Impact on Your Bathroom Remodel

A bathroom remodel is one of the most important renovations you will ever make to your home. Due to the importance of this type of project, you definitely want to make sure everything is going the way you want it to. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to find the best changes to make, but there are definitely options. Luckily there are some great ways to make your bathroom remodel have a fantastic outcome. This guide will go over 5 ways to make a big impact in your bathroom remodel.

Getting Your Bathroom Ready for the Remodel

Turn the Water Off

This is the one thing you don’t want to forget to do, but it can easily slip your mind. An accidental bathroom flooding situation while removing fixtures is the last thing anybody wants. Although a bathroom is designed to handle some water spillage, they are generally not completely water damage resistant.

Getting Your Bathroom Ready for the Remodel Getting Your Bathroom Ready for the Remodel

Remove Everything From Your Bathroom

It is important that all loose items are taken out of your bathroom, such as shampoos, soaps, towels, rugs and all other similar items. Take everything out from under your sinks and inside of your vanities as well. It is also recommended that you take down your shower curtains and your toilet seat covers just to strip everything down to the bare bones.

By opening up the space in your bathroom, the remodeling procedure can be done in a much more effective manner. Opening up space can be done by removing all doors from your bathroom, including the main door, closet doors and shower doors, if possible.

Plan your Budget, Set a Budget

Before you do anything, make sure you have created an overall plan and set a budget for the total project. Set your budget for fixtures, accessories, tiling, wallpaper or paint and all labor costs that will be associated with the remodel. We also recommend adding an extra contingency budget to take care of any unforeseen costs that may incur during the remodel.

Focus on Color

Color is one of the most important elements of a complete, high quality bathroom design. In order to make a big impact on your bathroom remodel, a good foundation begins with color. First of all, color will shape the overall atmosphere of the bathroom. This is true in a number of ways. Firstly, you need a good base color to work with. Many people will choose to go with a neutral color. However, you do always have the option to make a bold statement. Fr example, aside from neutral tones such as white or black, shades of blue, yellow and green are also very popular options. If you are looking to make a mark on your bathroom design, consider being abit more colorful.

It is also very important to find the best combination of colors for our design. There are many colors that work very beautifully together. However, it is crucial to understand which colors do not work as well. This is why neutral colors are so great. White, a common bathroom color, works well with almost any color. On the other hand, a color such as blue will not be as versatile. However, blue is a beautiful color that can mesh very well with colors such as yellow. It is important to know the best combinations, so do a bit of research to find a great situation for your remodel.

Using your color effectively is something that should not be overlooked. Aside from just your wall, you need to make sure your fixtures complement the base foundational colors. For example, a white vanity will look stunning against a black wall. With that being said, contrast and cohesiveness are two factors to remember when designing your bathroom overall. Your fixtures and accessories should be colored in a way that they match with each other, as well as the surrounding area. Each aspect of your bathroom should be colored appropriately to create a beautiful design.

Optimize the Space

Space optimization is an incredibly important part of a healthy bathroom design. In a new bathroom remodel, it is crucial to have an open and accessible bathroom space. Luckily, there are several amazing ways for you to optimize the space in your bathroom design. The first thing you will want to do is optimize the placement of your bathroom fixtures. This is incredibly important for the overall accessibility of your bathroom design. It is also very important for functionality. If all of your fixtures are jammed too closely together or in uncomfortable spaces, the bathroom will become incredibly uncomfortable to use.

Bathroom Ventilation

It is important for any bathroom design to have ventilation for a number of different reasons. Not only is it important for your comfort, but it is also very important in terms of keeping your bathroom healthy. Ventilation is key for the longevity of your bathroom as well.

There are several great places for you to incorporate ventilation if it isn’t incorporated in your bathroom already. One of the easiest ways to incorporate ventilation in your bathroom is through the use of windows, if your bathroom can allow it. This is a great natural way to allow the flow of air in your bathroom. If you don’t have any windows, vents can be placed on your ceiling, walls or floor in order to keep your bathroom cooler and more dry. Make sure that your vents are in open spaces so that nothing is blocking them and they can perform at their highest functionality.

Benefits of Proper Bathroom Ventilation

Ventilation is crucial for comfort, but also for the preservation of your bathroom fixtures and accessories. If too much condensation builds up, damages can occur. For example, if you allow water to build up on your surfaces, rusting or chipping can more easily occur. Ventilation is also great for keeping your bathroom from collecting odor. The flow of air will always keep your bathroom smelling fresh. Ventilation is necessary for your bathroom if you plan on sustaining the overall quality of your home.

Optimize Your Bathroom Energy Costs

One of the most important reasons you should update your bathroom is to save money. As technology in the bathroom is improving, this is becoming increasingly important. Improved tech usually means that saving energy is easier and more effective. One of the most popular implementations of this is LED lighting. LED lighting saves you much more money than incandescent lighting and lasts much longer as well. You can also find fixtures that can save water, which will also lower your energy cost for your bathroom. If you are sticking with outdated fixtures that burn electricity and water, you should definitely consider a serious update to your bathroom design.

Improve Accessibility Where Possible

As time passes, you might need some extra help in your bathroom to reduce your stress levels and make all of your fixtures easy to use and access. If your bathroom is lacking in these aspects, consider adding things like grab bars. Grab bars are great when located next to showers, bathtubs and toilets to name the most practical places. This will help you with keeping your balance as well giving you something to support yourself with. You can also include shower seats for the same reasons. Overall, you should update your bathroom to make sure you are comfortable at all times.

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