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How to Install a Toilet Paper Holder

How to Install a Toilet Paper Holder

Installing a standard toilet paper holder can be a quick and easy process if you follow the correct process. There are several steps necessary to take in order to install your preferred toilet paper holder. Each one is extremely important to be done properly. Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can install a toilet paper hold in your own bathroom.

What You'll Need

  • Drill and Drill Bits
  • Screwdriver
  • Pencil
  • Measuring Tape
  • Level
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Hammer
  • Stud Finder
  • Toilet Paper Holder
  • Mounting Hardware and Brackets

Step 1: Prepare the Area for Installation

Before you do anything directly related to your toilet paper holder, it is important that the area is prepared for the installation. There are several things you need to do in order to perform a safe and proper installation.

  • Clean the area. Make sure your wall or surface on which the toilet paper holder will be mounted is clean and clear of dust or debris. In addition, clean up the surrounding area so nothing will get in the way of the installation. This is important for the installation of the mounting hardware in the future.
  • Clear wires from the area. Make sure that any loose wires are organized or unplugged. Wires could get damaged during this process by accident. Ensure wires or cables are safely removed from the area.
  • Make sure you have the necessary tools. Before the installation process begins, make sure you have all of the tools needed. This will ensure your installation process goes as smoothly as possible.
  • Use your stud finder to find a safe and secure location to mount your toilet paper holder. This will greatly reduce the risk of damaging your wall or surface unnecessarily.

Step 2: Prepare the Template

Most toilet paper holders you purchase will come with a template. This can be used to aid you in the installation. This template will generally be made of paper. it will typically be inside the packaging of the toilet paper holder. For some toilet paper holders, this template may be on the box. Make sure that your template is ready before you do any measurements or drilling. This will be your guide to an easy process. You can use painter’s tape to attach your template to the wall in order to proceed with making the correct marks and measurements.

Step 3: Make the Proper Measurements

Now that all of your tools and materials are laid out, you can now begin to make the measurements for your toilet paper holder installation.

  • A toilet paper holder should be installed between 8” to 12” away from your toilet bowl. For a children’s bathroom, it is appropriate to move the installation point a few inches closer, at around 8” to 9”.
  • The standard height for a toilet paper holder will be about 26” from the floor. This will allow for the most universal amount of accessibility for the majority of individuals.
  • Depending on the size of your toilet paper holder or what type of toilet paper holder you plan on installing, these measurements may vary. Follow the manual or product details in order to find the proper installation measurements for your specific toilet paper holder.

Step 4: Complete Measurements with a Level

Once you mark each measurement with a pencil, use your level to ensure the toilet paper holder will be installed perfectly level and straight. Draw a line with a pencil using your level as a guide. This is an important step to take due to two main reasons. First, a standard toilet paper holder that is installed perfectly straight will make a bathroom feel more uniform and orderly. Second, a perfectly level toilet paper holder will make the toilet paper holder easy to use and as functional as possible. If the toilet paper holder is mounted at a slight angle, toilet paper rolls will slide, wobble and sometimes even fall off of the toilet paper holder itself.

Step 5: Mark Bracket Holes With a Pencil

Now that you have level measurements and a good idea of where exactly your toilet paper holder will be installed, you need to mark where your brackets will be mounted with the provided mounting hardware. If using your template, simply mark the bracket holes accordingly. If no template is available to you, it is advised that you follow the instructions or manual provided with your toilet paper holder or online.

Step 6: Drill Holes

With your height and length measurements for your toilet paper holder and your brackets marked, you can begin to drill the holes for the mounting hardware and screws. Before you start drilling, there are a few things you need to consider.

  • Attach an appropriate sized drill bit to your drill. Never start drilling using the screw for the first entry. Always drill pilot holes before screwing any hardware into the wall.
  • Ensure your toilet paper holder is being mounted on a stud. If it is absolutely unavoidable to drill your holes into drywall, utilize wall anchors to ensure your mounting brackets will hold the weight safely and securely.
  • Double check the pilot holes with a level. If the holes are level with one another, you can move on to the next step. If the pilot holes are not level, simply adjust the level and drill another hole. The bracket or toilet paper holder will usually cover the unused pilot hole, so there is typically no need for added fixes.

Step 7: Screw in the Brackets

After pilot holes are drilled in the proper locations, you are ready to install your brackets. Here are the steps you should follow, in order, to properly install your mounting brackets in a safe and secure manner.

  • Hold the left bracket up to your wall, in alignment with the pilot hole that you just drilled. If the bracket has an arrow on it, make sure the arrow is pointing upwards for a proper installation.
  • Screw the bracket into the wall using the screws provided with your toilet paper holder. If for some reason screws are not provided, research the necessary screws needed for your specific installation and order them from a local hardware store, or online.
  • Once the left bracket is installed, follow the same steps for the right bracket.
  • Use your level again to ensure the brackets are level with each other. If not, repeat the process until they are.

Step 8: Attach Your Toilet Paper Holder

Now that your brackets are level and properly installed, you can now attach your toilet paper holder. To do this, you will simply need to slide your toilet paper holder down over the brackets. This will be the case for both horizontal and vertical toilet paper holders in most cases.

Step 9: Using Your Toilet Paper Holder

Once your toilet paper holder is installed, make sure it is stable and securely mounted on the wall or surface. Slide a roll of toilet paper onto your toilet paper holder and make sure everything is operating smoothly. Depending on the type of toilet paper holder you have, toilet paper may need to be changed in different ways.

Self-Adhesive Toilet Paper Holders

Self-adhesive toilet paper holders are very similar to toilet paper holders installed with mourning hardware in many aspects. However, these similarities end with the function of the toilet paper holder itself. Self-adhesive toilet paper holders will need to be installed quite differently, and it can be a much easier process in most cases. There are also many similarities as well. For example;

  • Mount your self-adhesive toilet paper holder using the same measurements and height you would use for a hardware mounted toilet paper holder.
  • Make sure the surface on which the self-adhesive toilet paper holder is mounted is clean, clear and ready for an installation.

What You’ll Need

When mounting a self-adhesive toilet paper holder, you will need significantly less tools and materials. Many standard tools used for screws or hardware are unnecessary due to the nature of the adhesive installation.

  • Pencil
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Measuring Tape
  • Self-adhesive Toilet Paper Holder

Installing a Self-Adhesive Toilet Paper Holder

First, make sure the installation area is wiped clean and ready for an adhesive mount. To install a self-adhesive toilet paper holder, use the same measurements. The self-adhesive toilet paper holder should be mounted 8” to 12” away from your toilet bowl, and a height of 26” inches from the floor. Refer to steps 3 and 4 for the proper measurement and alignment specifications. After your measurements are complete and marked with your pencil, it is time to mount your self-adhesive toilet paper holder to the wall or surface you are working with.

Self-adhesive toilet paper holders come with an adhesive strip with a protective strip on top to prevent it from sticking to anything until it is needed. To apply your self-adhesive toilet paper holder, remove the protective strip and firmly apply it to the marked location on the wall or surface. Apply pressure to the toilet paper holder onto the wall for at least 30 seconds. Apply a significant amount of force, but don’t exert yourself. Some firm pressure will do fine, especially since the adhesive will be doing a decent part of the work on its own. Your self-adhesive toilet paper holder is now ready for use.

How to Position a Toilet Paper Holder

Positioning your toilet paper holder is typically a matter of preference but there are some scenarios where the usability of the toilet roll holder can be affected if not installed in a proper position. Besides deciding on the exact location of the paper holder, you'll need to choose between a left-facing toilet paper holder, right facing, vertical or a standard horizontal toilet paper holder. As a general rule, if you are choosing between a directional toilet paper holder, you should choose the position that is the same direction of the wall. For example, if you are mounting your paper holder on a wall that's directly to the left of the toilet, you should mount a left facing toilet paper holder, and vice versa. Vertical and standard horizontal toilet paper holders are neutral position holders that will work in any scenario.

Recessed Toilet Paper Holders

Recessed toilet paper holders will follow the same guidelines as hardware installed and self-adhesive toilet paper holders in terms of the height and dimensions of installation. However, depending on the type of recessed toilet paper holder you plan on installing, the process could vary. In general, this type of toilet paper holder will be fully recessed into your wall, meaning you will need to cut a hole in the drywall for installation. The recessed toilet paper holder will likely have some type of mounting bracket clamp to hold it in place. Because each recessed toilet paper holder is a bit different in design, follow the provided instructions in the packaging or visit the product page to find specific installation information.

Floor Standing Toilet Paper Holders

Floor standing toilet paper holders are incredibly beautiful and useful bathroom accessories that serve as substitutes for traditional wall mounted toilet paper holders. They will typically come in a standard height, but some models are adjustable. In addition, floor standing toilet paper holders can be moved around your bathroom in order to be placed in the optimal position. However, it is advised that you keep your floor standing toilet paper holder close to your toilet, as you would for any other toilet paper holder. Some floor standing toilet paper holders can include a built in toilet brush holder or small towel bar, depending on the specific product you choose.

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