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What Type of Art is Suitable for a Bathroom?

What Type of Art is Suitable for a Bathroom?

Art has been a keystone factor of decoration in homes for years. Art can be simple, like a painting. It can also be incredibly abstract. When it comes to a bathroom design, art has become increasingly important to completing a comfortable environment. In general, art is one of the most vast categories in terms of variety. Because there are so many options to choose from, it can sometimes be difficult to choose the correct pieces in your bathroom. A bathroom is a unique environment, so the right pieces of art can make or break a design. Here are some of the dos and don’t of including art in your bathroom design.

How Art Can Impact a Bathroom Design

Although art is not typically seen as a common bathroom design element, it is much more common than one might think. Because art encompasses so many different things, art can absolutely be used in a bathroom design. A bathroom is supposed to be one of the most comfortable and welcoming rooms in your entire house. It will be used every day, multiple times a day. In addition to that, they are the places you will likely begin and end your day. Creating a comfortable bathroom design while blending bathroom fixtures with art will enhance the area as a whole.

How Art Can Impact a Bathroom Design How Art Can Impact a Bathroom Design

What Type of Art Should Not Be Used in a Bathroom?

Before we go over the best art in a bathroom, it is important to know what types of art should not be used in a bathroom. First of all, it is important to not use pieces of art that are easily damaged by water or water vapor. This is especially true if the bathroom has a shower or bathtub that creates steam. Some pieces of art, such as delicate canvas paintings can be damaged beyond repair in some cases.

In general, you should make sure the art you want to include is safe for the area. Other than pieces that can be easily damaged by war, you should also consider safety as a factor as well. For example, in a kids bathroom, do not incorporate art that can be dangerous. Sharp objects, small pieces and other similar pieces of art should be avoided. This is relevant for master bathrooms and other designs as well. As a general rule, try to stay away from any expensive or potentially hazardous types of art pieces.

What Type of Art Should Be Used in a Bathroom?

When it comes to bathroom art, some pieces of art are incredibly beneficial to a design. As a rule of thumb, bathroom art should be safe and durable. There are quite a few ways you can go in this regard. For example, any waterproof or water resistant art will be optimal for the area. This combines artistic designs with durability, allowing said art pieces to last for years and years. This can be art made of materials such as treated wood, stone, marble, glass and other similar materials.

There are plenty of good examples of bathroom art that would be suitable for the environment. Anything with a glass picture frame is a good option due to the small size. Conveniently place it on your vanity or somewhere on a shelf for a beautiful bathroom complement. In addition, Other beautiful sculptures and statues can be incredible for an overall bathroom design. This will bring elements of class and elegance to a variety of designs.

Examples of Art You Should Consider for Your Bathroom

Now that you have a basic idea of what will and will not work, you can start to get back to the specifics. The actual pieces of art you decide to include will vary based on the design of the overall bathroom. Here are some great ideas for pieces of art that you can incorporate in your bathroom design.


One of the most effective ways to include art is through small sculptures. This is because sculptures are some of the most versatile and abstract pieces of art out there. They can quite literally be anything. They can be incredibly intricate or very basic and simple. IN addition, they can be made of various bathroom safe materials. This can include marble, stone, glass, metal or anything similar. Consider placing it on a shelf or vanity to create a beautiful focal point.


Plants can be seen as art too. This is especially true if you use vibrant colors and unique compliments. Various beautiful plants can be incorporated in order to add color and beauty to the area. In addition, plants are some of the easiest pieces of art to include. They are generally inexpensive and they add an element of nature to a bathroom. You can also pair the plant with a beautiful pot to create an elegant combination.


Another incredibly easy piece of art to include in a bathroom is a photograph. The inclusion of a photograph is a great way to add some personality to your bathroom as well. Put the photograph of your choosing in a safe and beautiful picture frame. Your frame should preferably have a glass covering for the photo to protect it from water damage. It isn’t necessary, but it is definitely a good option to consider.


This is an option that is great for all types of bathrooms. Pottery is something that you can create or purchase. Having an option to create a beautiful piece of art is great due to your ability to express your creativity. If you do not want to make your own piece of pottery, you can easily purchase a beautiful piece of pottery at most home improvement or decor stores.

Wall Art

There are various types of wall art that can fit beautifully in a bathroom design. Paintings, photos, clocks and various other pieces are all good options to consider. Wall art is a good way to easily include some unique pieces to sprinkle some decor around the area.


In Conclusion

To wrap things up, art is an incredibly useful element of design that can boost the quality of a bathroom design. Because a bathroom is supposed to be a comfortable environment, this will be a great way to express creativity in the area. The perfect amount of art will be different for everyone. However, each bathroom will benefit from at least one or two small pieces of art. If you do not have any art in your bathroom design, consider adding a small piece to give your bathroom a bit of life. Many options are available, so consider everything and choose the pieces that you think will boost the quality of your bathroom design.

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